Blood Basics

  • 2021-04-08 20:04:08


Blood is a lifegiving liquid1 which cannot be replaced with anything else. It plays a variety of roles in the body. Not only does it supply oxygen2 to all cells and tissues but also provides essential nutrients3 such as fatty acids, glucose etc. to them. What is more, it removes waste materials4, such as CO2, urea5, and lactic acid6. Its further roles involve protecting the body from infections through the white blood cells and transporting hormones from one part of the body to another. Also, it regulates acidity (pH) levels7 and the body temperature.

Blood Basics


PLASMA9 - the yellowish liquid10 constitutes11 approximately 55 percent of the blood. It helps to maintain a satisfactory blood pressure12 and volume. Apart from this13, it supplies critical blood proteins14 for immunity. Furthermore15, it carries electrolytes such as sodium and potassium to our muscles.

RED BLOOD CELLS16 (also called erythrocytes) - they make up34 about 40% of the blood’s volume17 and are produced in the bone marrow18. Red blood cells contain haemoglobin which gives the blood its red colour. Hemoglobin enables to carry oxygen19 from the lungs and deliver it to all the body tissues20. 

WHITE CELLS21 (also called leukocytes) which account for22 1% of the blood. They protect the body from infections. There are five main types of white blood cells, two of which are23:

neutrophils - the most numerous24 which protect the body against infections by killing bacteria and ingesting fungi25 and lymphocytes protecting us against viral infections26 and detecting and destroying some cancer cells27.

PLATELETS28 (also called thrombocytes) help the body to form clots29 to stop bleeding. When a blood vessel30 gets damaged31, it sends out signals which are picked up by platelets. They then rush to the site of a wound32 and form a plug or clot to repair the damage33. 


1życiodajny płyn, 2dostarczać tlen, 3zapewniać istotne składniki odżywcze, 4usuwać produkty przemiany materii, 5mocznik, 6kwas mlekowy, 7regulować poziom kwasowości, 8składniki krwi, 9osocze, 10żółtawy płyn, 11stanowi, 12utrzymywać właściwe ciśnienie krwi, 13oprócz tego, 14ważne białka, 15co więcej, 16czerwone krwinki, 17objętość krwi, 18szpik kostny, 19umożliwia transport tlenu, 20dostarczać do wszystkich tkanek w ciele, 21białe krwinki, 22stanowią, 23z których dwa to, 24najbardziej liczne, 25zjadać grzyby, 26infekcje wirusowe, 27wykrywać komórki nowotworowe, 28płytki krwi, 29tworzyć skrzepy, 30naczynie krwionośne, 31ulegnie uszkodzeniu, 32błyskawicznie zmierzają w kierunku rany, 33naprawić uszkodzenie, 34stanowią

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Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Fundacja Rozwoju Kardiochirurgii im. prof. Zbigniewa Religi 
Polfarmex S.A.
Miasto Kutno
Stowarzyszenie Lotników Polskich
Fundacja DKMS
Kutnowski Dom Kultury

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